
Get your free video on how to train head down!!!

  • Tired of a bumpy gaited horse?
  • Want that relaxed horse your were promised?

At Ivy’s Glide Gait you will learn:

  • How to get relaxation first
  • Get a smooth gait no matter what gaited breed
  • Get your horse to maintain a smooth gait!

Find out more:

Had an awesome experience last weekend at a Clinic in Va.
Ivy was able to show each of us what our horse needed. And now have new tools to get my boy gaiting.
Would highly recommend her. Not just for learning to gait, but to communicate with your horse in general.


I got my first gaited horse a year and a half ago- a young Rocky. He didn’t know how to gait that perfect 4 beat gait, and I didn’t know how to train him. I took one of Ivy’s 3 day clinics and by the third day he was gaiting. Now he gaits like a Paso Fino and trots like a thoroughbred! I’m so pleased with the method Ivy teaches. Relaxation and confidence. I’ve stayed in touch with Ivy and she continues to offer great advice to further our training.
